The 3 minutes devotional book is a compilation of scriptures and revelation prayers that the Lord revealed and ministered to Toyin Harris during her daily bible devotions. These devotions were compiled within a four-year period, when I started my weekly 3 minutes program in 2016.
52 devotions, that can be studied and meditated on in 52 weeks of the year, have been carefully selected to enrich, expand and enhance your spiritual life.
Her prayer for you is that, as you study this 3-minute devotional, your prayer and devotional life will be enriched and expounded and God would grant you the grace to experience unparalleled victory in your walk with Him every day of your life in Jesus name.
The five gracious women of the Bible is a prayer devotional that focuses on prayer’s that have been extracted from the life and experience of five exceptional women of the Bible.
Rachel, Ruth, Esther, Rebekah and Sarah lived exemplary lives. Their stories were sometimes filled with faith, drama, pain, doubt, fear and love. They were not perfect but God still found them usable for His purpose.
As you read this prayer devotional, I pray that every woman would receive their testimony, enter into their divine purpose, become passionate for God more than ever before and begin to live a life of supernatural exploits in Jesus name.
Toyin Harris is privileged to co-author this book, Nigerian Brides Academy with other Queen Mothers who are sharing their life lessons and advise to brides and brides to be, so that they can have an empowered, flourishing and thriving home that is deeply rooted in Christ.
Toyin Harris Ministering @ RCCG New Wine Chapel, Richmond, Texas, USA
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